Surname, Given Name:
Hara, Tenshi C.

3589 Westerham Dr.
Clermont, FL 34711-6946

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Legal Instructions

This imprint is valid for all resources under the second level domain Court of jurisdiction is Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Saxony, Germany. With using this online service the user plenary acknoledges these conditions.

When this legal instructions refer to a person, only one sex-form is used, but both, men and women are ment. Nobody is to be discriminated due to their sex.

I explicitly emphasise, that I have no influence on the composition and content of linked homepages of third parties. Herein I declare, that no illegal content was recognizable on linked pages by time of linking. There is no possibility of influence on current or future composition or copyright of linked pages. Within this homepage this declaration refers to all linked homepages and to third party entries in my guestbooks, forums, link-listings, mailing-lists and all other databases, whichs content can be externally modified.

I may not be held in responsibility for content which has been modified by third party (e. g. by hacking). This is true for my databases aswell.
Please not, that I inhold the right, to remove any content of third party from my homepage without talkback.

The sourcecodes of my website are my literary property.



Should someone see their copyright in conflict, please note that this may be uninetentional. Please contact me before sueing me or thelike. - A kind tone of conversation will find my interest aswell (and a fortiori).
I request the same if someone should find themself (wrongly) accused or violated in their dignity. - Human dignity is inviolable! (DE § 1, 1 GG)


Indoctrination on Data Protection

I contradict the usage of my data (especially the email-address(es)) for marketing-purposes after DE §§ 28, 29 BDSG as well as DE §§ 7, 8 UWG. Please note, that unsolicited advertisement is unlawful and legitimate dissuasions with costs.

While accessing this homepage my provider (, Hauptstraße 68, 02742 Friedersdorf, Germany) collects data for statical purposes and stores them on the server. These data may allow disambiguate identification of the user and can be: name of requested file, date and time of access, status-information, IP-address, used browser, used operating-system.
The data will not be evaluated. An exception to this: suspicion of punishable acts, reasonable abuse-suspicion, in anonymous form for statistics.
When using the mail-links and mail-forms only the submited data will be forwarded to the recipient. In log-files connection-data may be saved for data-security purposes.



I may not be held responsible for damage occuring while downloading or using herein povided files, particularly with regard to hardware-damages (e.g. caused by Windows-bluescreen and forceful shutdown of PC).

Please note, that data transfer (especially email) via internet is mostly not encrypted. Therefore one can not guaranty, that third party may get in possession of the transmitted data and could make these public.


Legal effect of this document

This document is to be seen as part of the internet content, from which it has been linked. As far as parts or several wording of this document should not accord to valid law or should not be according in full, the rest of the document shall not be invalidated.
An ineffective regulation is considered replaced by such, which economically nears the sense and purpose of the ineffective regulation next in legally effective way. The same applies to possible regulation gaps.
Grammatically, semantically or syntactically incorrect passages remain unaffected in their contents and their validity, if the intention of the passage remains recognizable.